Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fashion Friday - Pink, Black & White

Hi everyone! Hope you had a week full of excitement and fun! 

Our week was mostly spent in bed because of the flu so we didn't get much done around the house. I'm also a bit behind on commenting on the Boost Your Blog in 100 Days Challenge but I'm trying to catch up. There are so many awesome blogs and the Comments Challenge has given me the opportunity to learn a lot of new things and be inspired by these wonderful ladies.

And since we were all feeling better, we got out of our PJ's and ventured outside. Here's what my dear daughter wore - plus a puffy coat and a pair of warm boots.

The top is a bit big but I like the fact that it's longer on her so I just rolled the sleeves up a bit.

What did your little ones wear? 
Feel free to leave a link of your kids fashion posts in the comments so I can have a look at what your kids are wearing and be inspired.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Those jeans are so adorable. I can only pray that someday I'll have a little girl to dress up. For now, it's just me and my boys! Visiting from BYB.

    1. Hope your prayers are answered soon. Thanks for stopping by Becky!

  2. So cute. I bet she felt so go to be out of PJs and into that cute outfit!

    1. She was really happy, especially since she knew that we were going outside. Thanks for visiting Meeghan!

  3. So cute! Love the top :)

    Lisa @

  4. what an adorable outfit, makes me want a little one again- Sigh, my baby is almost 11 so no chance of going back to a baby stage for me.
    Your Newest Follower :)

    1. The older they get the more difficult it is to think of going back to the diaper age :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I love the outfit! It makes me wish I could go back to the days where I got to dress them. Now they all have their own sense of style. LOL

    1. I'll be in your shoes very soon. Something tells me my daughter will pick her own clothes in no time. Thanks for stopping by TaMara!

  6. That top is just so cute- at first I thought it was going to be for you and I was going to say you have such a young style! I love dressing my two boys in funky clothes, although the youngest gets a lot of hand me downs form his big brother.

    1. We also get hand me downs from family and friends and I love the fact that you get some really cute clothes without breaking the bank. Kids grow out of clothes so fast that it would be a waste not to use them for younger siblings or relatives. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Cute outfit! Hope you're all feeling better now.

    Nice to meet you through the blog challenge!

    1. Nice to meet you too Sara. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Super cute with the bow details! I wish my girls could keep hairbands on :0/

    1. It was a process getting her to keep hairbands and sometimes they end up on the floor after a while.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  9. Glad you're feeling better!! I remember picking out clothes for my girls, I think, a long time ago.,,,, :-).

    1. I enjoy picking out my daughter's clothes since I know that she'll do it on her own soon. That's why I document my choices here. :)

      Thanks for visiting!

  10. This is such an adorable outfit! I started the Boost your Blog Challenge about 50 days late and it has been so much fun going through all these blogs to comment on so far. Here is a thumbs up and a high five that you can do it Momma! Can't wait to see what else your little one decides to wear.


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